Media Persona: From what I've understand a" media persona " is like a secret organization. If you take the word persona its like a "mask" or"character".Which therefor means that the media plays a role in to our society .They have the control over us to make us believe things that are going on in our world today.Weather its about wars, celebrities,animals,fashion etc.You name it they inform us about it .Through magazines , news, TV,radio, or from ourselves.Its what they make us believe.
What is the Power of social media /how does it effect you professional work world/What is the impact of social media?
The power of social media come in may different directions.Social media is like getting information in a way that you could call "social".The way the media works is that it surrounding us. We don't realize it but it is.When I eat, what brand of food do I by . even right now I'm using a form of medium to give you the information i have now.So imagine in your professional working with computer brands., competing with other companies. There no simpler way to put it with saying this that we live it everyday.When we wake up, get ready to go to school or work .Without the media life would be a totally different place.Media has become a type of lifestyle we need its a part of life that we have become to depend on.Therefor the impact is greater then most of us think.Even people who are against it when they try to get there message across they use some time a medium so there' no way to run from it.We just have to learn to live and run with it.Because no matter where we will go its there.
Andy Warhol As Fashion

Breakfast at Tiffany's

" I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?"- audrey hepburn A womens best friends.... one word? Diamonds I think that women in general have be sterotyped as very materialslistic and that dont marry for love but money.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Social Staus
Was there a point when you felt you were overwhelmed and felt like your "image" wasnt enough?
I never felt that i had to impress people by how i act or looked.I wasnt raised to follow whats in style or whats not. My "image" is my own and no one eles .There had been one time that it crossed my mind for a slpit second but my mind has never been confused about my image.
Is the line blured between what is sexy and the image that you have or are buliding of yourself ?
Not for me.But for other young people yes, but on the other had sexy is being sterotype as wome who sell themsevels. Women who are to reaveling .You can take the word "sexy" and make it your own.Not nessasary meaning to show off your body but personality.
who is setting the limits?
There is no one to blam but our owe.We make choices in life, yes our parents are the ones who shoulld show us the right path but then again once we cross that door or turn on the tv we make our own choices and thoughs.
what advice would you give a 4 year old about starting her social life by going to school next year?
Well at that age its hard to make a child understand .You have to find the right words to say asnd even at that at that age you shouldnt be putting it in your childs head to start worring about how they she be around others.Just tell them be them selevs .And if they dont know what thats means just tell them when u feel the most comfortable about who u are.
Was there a point when you felt you were overwhelmed and felt like your "image" wasnt enough?
I never felt that i had to impress people by how i act or looked.I wasnt raised to follow whats in style or whats not. My "image" is my own and no one eles .There had been one time that it crossed my mind for a slpit second but my mind has never been confused about my image.
Is the line blured between what is sexy and the image that you have or are buliding of yourself ?
Not for me.But for other young people yes, but on the other had sexy is being sterotype as wome who sell themsevels. Women who are to reaveling .You can take the word "sexy" and make it your own.Not nessasary meaning to show off your body but personality.
who is setting the limits?
There is no one to blam but our owe.We make choices in life, yes our parents are the ones who shoulld show us the right path but then again once we cross that door or turn on the tv we make our own choices and thoughs.
what advice would you give a 4 year old about starting her social life by going to school next year?
Well at that age its hard to make a child understand .You have to find the right words to say asnd even at that at that age you shouldnt be putting it in your childs head to start worring about how they she be around others.Just tell them be them selevs .And if they dont know what thats means just tell them when u feel the most comfortable about who u are.
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