Have we reached this point in our entertainment "experience"?
The entertainment world isn't the same as it use to be. There's not more family TV shows, TV shows today have no morals. Not only do they have no morals but they have become reality shows. We make these regular people famous for there no sense. All of a sudden its OK to make money out of tragedies& drama, parties,scandals,etc....There is a catch to it... all these reality TV shows are spoiled rich teens. Its the teens who follow the shows its us teens who get more attracted by adds of what hot and whats not. We have become the focus audience.We have become the money makers! but is it really reality ? When we watch these shows like laguna beach , the hills,the simple life etc... We become naive and think that's the normal way to live and the way we live isn't. we crave this life of money , power , scandals,parties fame all because of shows. There is no more the real good TV shows that have morals. For example & heaven, the little white house on the prairies, i love Lucy, Dr.Quinn medicine women !
With films like AVITAR - using completely created characters-3D , animation,CGI, is there a point when we can not believe?
Yes as a matter of fact there is. We see these famous people with flawless skin with perfect hair &we think its not fair how they are so perfect and were not. why can i look like that ? the answer is simple you cant because that's not how they look. We live in a world where technologies has made it to its highest point .With the computer skills people have we can make you believe anything . Make u think that there is a mob of people when there is in reality only one. They can make you believe in anything they want.
Is Truman's whole world fake or is it real ? Is what Christoph says true or he is justifying the world that he created?
Trumans world was real to him at first but it was fake at the same time because it had been planed out by someone eles.Theres two side to look at it if it was a real or fake world but its somthing that there is no wrong answer to. As far as Christoph saying he said it only to justifying his world. Life isnt suppose to be live that. We were put on this planet to make certain mistakes & to learn from them . How can we do such if we are being controled.As far as what he said its to his own belifes because what hes saying has no connection to the way the world is.
Andy Warhol As Fashion

Breakfast at Tiffany's

" I'll tell you one thing, Fred, darling... I'd marry you for your money in a minute. Would you marry me for my money?"- audrey hepburn A womens best friends.... one word? Diamonds I think that women in general have be sterotyped as very materialslistic and that dont marry for love but money.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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